
Our Latest News

summerschool 2019 poster verzija 3a pomala


You are kindly invited to the third Aikido summerschool in Ohrid, from 18-24 August 2019.

Teacher: Michele Quaranta shihan, 7th Dan Aikikai.

Seminar fee:
Full program of the seminar - 90 EUR.
BIO-TAISO (Genki-kai) sessions only - 30 EUR.

Registration link:


Sunday 18.8.2019
15:00 registration
19:30 - 20:30 dinner

Daily time schedule:
7:00 - 8:00 outdoor training
8:00 - 9:00 breakfast
10:00 - 13:00 training session
13:30 - 14:30 lunch
19:00 - 20:00 dinner

Saturday 24.8.2019
7:00 - 8:00 outdoor training
8:00 - 9:00 breakfast
10:00 - 13:00 training session
13:30 - 14:30 lunch

Place: Hotel Metropol, Ohrid.

Google maps plus code: 3R42+XP Dolno Konjsko



seminarski poster 2019


You are all welcome to our seminar held by Michele Quaranta shihan on 09-10. March 2019.

Seminar Fee:
35 EUR / 2100 Denars SPONSORED PRICE: 20 EUR / 1200 Denars !!!


11:00-13:00 (Saturday) - aikido lesson
17:00-19:00 (Saturday) - aikido lesson
10:00-12:00 (Sunday) - aikido lesson

Place: The gym of the elementary school J.H. Pestaloci, address: Apostol Guslarot 3, Skopje.

Google maps plus code: XCXC+34 Skopje


See ya!

beckovic skopje

Our friends from Tenshinkan dojo are organizing a weekend seminar with Edin Beckovic sensei from Serbia.

The seminar will take place at the Karate club Rabotnicki (ul. Teodosij Gologanov 63) on 25 and 26 January with the following schedule:

Friday - 20:30

Saturday - 11:00

Saturday 18:00

Open for all!

See you.


Jelena Vrzic sensei is a person who truly lives aikido. She will be sharing her wast aikido experience in three training sessions. You will enjoy it, we are sure!
Seminar fee: 1000 denars.

Dec 22 – Dec 23 2018

Aikido club "Henbo" (Аикидо клуб "Хенбо")
Apostol Guslarot 3, Sporthall 1 (Elementary school J. H. Pestaloci)

Montenegro poster


Daniele Montenegro was born in Turin 1982 and began training Aikido at the age of 5. In 2000, after obtaining 1st Dan rank when he was only 17, he starts following Yoji Fujimoto sensei.

After 20 years of practising and studying Aikido, in 2007 he begins his professional career in the role of Sensei's Assistant as well as Teacher at Aikikai Milano – Dojo Fujimoto.

In 2010 he gets the 4th Dan, bestowed by Fujimoto Sensei.

In 2011, on Fujimoto Sensei's suggestion, he opens his own dojo and founds the Aikido Montenegro Dojo.

In 2015 he gets the Godan rank (5th Dan), bestowed by Hiroshi Tada Sensei, 9th Dan Aikikai, Shihan of the Hombu Dojo and Headmaster of the Aikikai Italy.

He holds workshops worldwide (Italy, Poland, Malta, Switzerland, Macedonia, Serbia, Russia, Germany, Croatia and Vietnam).

Entrance Fee: 10Eur / 600MKD


seminarski poster 2017


You are all welcome to our seminar held by Michele Quaranta shihan on 03-05. March 2017.

Seminar Fee:
30 EUR / 1800 Denars


19:00-21:00 (Friday) - weapons lesson
10:00-12:00 (Saturday) - aikido lesson
16:30-18:30 (Saturday) - aikido lesson
09:00-11:00 (Sunday) - aikido lesson

Place: The gym of the elementary school J.H. Pestaloci, address: Apostol Guslarot 3, Skopje.

See ya!

 voskresenie Hristovo

During the Easter holidays we will not hold training sessions on: April 29th and May 2nd. Friday and Monday. We will continue on May 4th Wednesday with regular training.
The season for training inside will finish in mid-June. Then we continue with training sessions in the park, like every year.


This is an open invitation for the aikido seminar where Michele Quaranta shihan will be teaching. The seminar will be held on 2-nd and 3-rd April 2016.

Info on tel. 076697000 or e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.