On 05.05.2012 within the jubilee celebration of the karate club Kisela Voda:
On 05.05.2012 within the jubilee celebration of the karate club Kisela Voda:
We will have trainings at regular terms by the end of June, then, in July and August we will practice outdoor with a sword and a stick.
The schedule for outdoor exercise will be announced later this month.
Also, July and August Saturday mornings will be reserved for trainings for Hojo. If you are interested, please apply by mail for easier organization.
Experiences are accumulating and learning never stops.
Last weekend was held the announced seminar in Nushatel, Switzerland, on the occasion of the 5th anniversary of the club "Dojo de Neuchâtel - Espace Culturel" led by Eric Graf 3.Dan Aikikai. Invited were 10 aikido teachers from several countries and each gave one training. Together with the initial and final training of the host, in two days we had 12 trainings. A lot. But just in another circumstances that would have resulted with dissatisfaction. A pleasant atmosphere that reigned until the very end, even though fatigue was also present, gave enthusiasm to all participants to devote to practice.
12 different teachers, 12 different approaches to teaching, 12 different expressions, but only ONE Aikido. Our martial art is like any other art or science. And each of us will learn a thing or two, much or very little, shallow or deep, but no one can learn it all and that's good because it will remain as a reason to meet and exchange new experiences.
Following the end of the seminar we had the opportunity to practice on a regular training in Neuchatel, then we visited the club in Oftringen and finally in our "Aikido mecca" - Basel, with our teacher Michele Quaranta. All experiences more then beautiful.
I give gratitude to the host for the given trust and honor to teach at this seminar together with 9 other guest lecturers. I thank to all who participated in the jubilee seminar of the Neuchatel club and hope that these seminars will become a regular practice to get together more often.
The weekend at the end of March (26 and 27 March) our club will organize the sixth annual seminar with Michele Quaranta sensei from Basel, Switzerland. The seminar will be open to all interested.
Venue will be the gym of the Karate club RABOTNICKI (next to the mall "Beverly Hills").
Saturday 10:00 to 12:00 and 16:30 to 18:30
Sunday 10:00 to 12:00
Fee: 1500 denars
We are especially pleased to announce that our teacher, Damian Cingarski is the first Macedonian who is officially invited to conduct training of aikido outside the borders of our country. Invited by the aikido club - "Dojo de Neuchâtel - Espace Culturel" in Switzerland, on the occasion of the celebration of their 5 year anniversary, for which they organized a seminar and an appropriate celebration, our teacher will be one of the lecturers who will have the honor to give one training. The seminar will be held on 21 and 22 May 2011.
The seminar is designated as a big aikido friendship meeting, and all who want to be part of it are welcome!
On 10/12/2010 the club "Irimi Nage" from Skopje celebrated 10 years of existence and on the occasion of this jubilee organized a seminar on Real Aikido with a demonstration of the art. We are honored that we were invited to participate in this demonstration as the sole representatives of Aikikai Aikido in Macedonia. Special thanks to event organizer Marian Trajkovski. Here is our presentation from two angles:
Eric Graf sensei will again hold a seminar at our club. This time, to the pleasure of all, the seminar will last three days with six training sessions. After last year's experience, we are all looking forward to the opportunity to learn from this great teacher again .
The schedule will be additionaly arranged, but there should be two training sessions per day, the first at 10:00 am and the second at 17:00 pm. Saturday, Sunday and Monday (national holiday - October 11). The seminar will take place at our club and will cost 15 EURO.
The last weekend of March (26th, 27th and 28th) our dojo will organize the fifth by now seminar with our teacher Michele Quaranta from Switzerland. The seminar will be open for all aikidokas.
Place of the event is the karate center "Rabotnicki" (next to the "Beverly Hills" shopping center). We are happy to welcome you! More info in the invitation.
You can download the PDF invitation <HERE>.
From 22-nd until 24-th of May 2009 the teacher Eric Graf from Neuchatel, Switzerland will be a guest at our dojo and will give a weekend seminar which is open for every interested aikidoka to participate.
The place of the event is the gym of the Karate club RABOTNICKI (close to Beverly Hills shopping centre). Don't miss the opportunity!
The last weekend of February (27th, 28th and 01st od March) our dojo will organize the fourth by now seminar with our teacher Michele Quaranta from Switzerland. The seminar will be open for all interested aikidokas.
Place of the event is the karate center "Rabotnicki" (next to the "Beverly Hills" shopping center). We are happy to welcome you! More info in the invitation.
You can download the PDF invitation <HERE>.
On 22-nd and 23-rd of November 2008 the teacher Bosko Jelic from Belgrade, Serbia will be a guest at our dojo and will give a weekend seminar which is open for every interested aikidoka to participate.
The place of the event is the gym of the Karate club RABOTNICKI (close to Beverly Hills shopping centre). Don't miss the opportunity!