The second seminar from the series of teacher's seminars for instructors who teach according the didactical system of Masatomi Ikeda shihan 7.Dan Aikikai was held from 30-th of May untill 1-st of June 2008 in the capital of the Czech Republic. The 1-st one was held in November 2007 in Basel. This time everybody was there: Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Netherlands, Macedonia, Germany, Croatia, Ukraine and Switzerland.
Like the first time, Quaranta sensei leaded the seminar this time also. Its subject was the 6-th kyu examination program, i.e. what about it should the teachers know and what should be expected from the students. Also, an explanation was given about why Ikeda sensei made the 6-th kyu, concerning the fact that in Aikikai usually the first kyu is the 5-th.
Everything went in a pleasant atmosphere and the seminar ended successfully.
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